This week Borders filed for bankruptcy and announced that 200 of its stores will be closing. As a true bibliophile who finds browsing a bookstore infinitely more satisfying then ordering online, it's always sad to hear of a brick-and-mortar store that's not doing well. When it comes to the big chains, I've generally been more of a Barnes & Noble girl, but have always liked Borders for the fact that they always seem to have a good selection of non-mainstream books and magazines, as well as some quirkier items, like these that I discovered the last time I was there.
A whole aisle of records by lots of good current artists, like She & Him!
These t-shirts, tucked away on a display in the fiction section. They're by a company called Novel-T . They're baseball shirts with a literary character's name on the back, and a little image that ties in to their story on the front. This one with the windmill says "Quixote" on the back. The shirts (especially the ones for Gatsby and Poe) are cute and nerdy and fun- as are the literary playlists the company gives for each character on its website.
I think this proves that those Team Edward/ Team Jacob shirts were really just a rip-off of Team Darcy/ Team Wickham ones that Jane Austen embroidered to promote her book back in the day.
I love those shirts! Especially the Prynne and Bartleby ones.