Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Fancies

My biggest Friday Fancy today is simply the fact that it's finally the weekend! This week felt very hectic and too often I found myself just skimming over some of my favorite blogs to avoid a Google Reader backlog. A few things did manage to catch my eye in the midst of all that skimming.

(image via Pinterest)

An easy recipe for a sweet breakfast, perfect for a chilly morning.

Some interesting life advice from Hugh Jackman.

I'm still not 100% sure what exactly this is, but I think I want to get some next time I'm at Trader Joe's.

And with my own post from yesterday as proof, it's official- gift guides are popping up everywhere. This is one of my favorites so far, offering twenty pairings of books and related objects to give as gifts.


  1. Wow, I just looked at that gift guide. It's definitely awesome.

  2. i love this photo too! and that stuff from TJ's looks kinda amazing... the bread, the butter, the sea salt... YUM!!!

    xo, vanessa (the gal)

  3. What a cool image. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  4. Love the Hugh Jackman quote. And the list from A Bloomsbury Life is excellent. Hope you are having a great week so far!

  5. Holy cow that gift guide was amazing!!!!! ~Melissa



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